Nationwide voter education and information campaign - NYP Gambia

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Nationwide voter education and information campaign

12pm LRR, KM & BJL

The National Youth Parliament the Gambia, through the support of the British High Commission- Banjul embarked on a massive implementation of the Voter Education Campaign to promote participation and inclusion in governance by sharing important voter education messages to encourage people to vote diligently, responsibly and peacefully. The Project primarily targeted young people, women and persons with disabilities. Key activities of the project included a nationwide caravan tour, radio and social media engagements.

In this project, the organization covered 336 communities’ aside schools across the 8 Local Government Areas. And over 180,000 people reached both online (social media and radio) and on the ground.

NYP-IRI’s voter education exercise was conducted for five days from March 16 to March 23, 2022, ahead of the Local Government Elections.  A total of 1,321 individuals (805 female, 516 male, 3 PWDs) were reached with voter information in Lower River Region, Banjul, Kanifing and West Coast Region. Participants were taken through the civic and voter education curriculum developed by the contractor with information from the Independent Elections Commission (IEC).  This activity was designed to ensure that citizens are well informed about the local government election and why they should vote for their representatives. During this period, the team of voter educators targeted potential voters to ensure relevant information about elections reach the electorate. The team developed key voter education messages to ensure that they are easy to understand and encourage all citizens to actively participate in the upcoming elections. Voter education messages included voter security, voting procedures, accessibility of voting stations, and non-violent campaign.


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