Empowering Oversight And Ati Implementation: A Project By Nyp With Ndi Support - NYP Gambia

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Portfolio Information

  • Department: Housing and Land
  • Category: Business
  • Date: 01/12/2020
  • Location: Dhaka Bangladesh
  • Skills : Web - Developer

Empowering Oversight And Ati Implementation: A Project By Nyp With Ndi Support

At the National Youth Parliament (NYP), we’re committed to fostering effective governance and strengthening the bridge between the National Assembly and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). Thanks to the invaluable support from the National Democratic Institute (NDI), we’ve launched a transformative project aimed at enhancing National Assembly oversight and the implementation of the Access to Information (ATI) Act in our beloved nation.

Our Project’s Key Objectives

Our project has a multifaceted approach, designed to create a more transparent and accountable democratic system in The Gambia. Here are the primary objectives:

  1. Boosting CSOs Understanding

We believe that for a democracy to thrive, civil society must actively engage in the oversight process. Our project aims to bolster the understanding of CSOs regarding the critical role the parliament plays in oversight functions. By enhancing this understanding, we encourage CSOs to become more proactive stakeholders in ensuring the National Assembly effectively and efficiently fulfills its mandate.

  1. Strengthening Engagement

To achieve the project’s objectives, we aim to foster stronger engagement between the legislature and CSOs. This collaboration will not only enhance legislative oversight but also improve the implementation of the Access to Information Act. The National Assembly Select Committee on Education, Information, and Communication Technology, in collaboration with the Ministry of Information, will play a pivotal role in achieving these goals.

  1. Raising Public Awareness

In addition to strengthening legislative oversight and engagement, we’re also dedicated to enhancing public awareness. To achieve this, we’ll launch a compelling social campaign to inform and engage the public on the critical role legislative oversight plays in our democracy.

Our partnership with NDI is a testament to our commitment to building a stronger, more transparent, and accountable government. Stay tuned for updates on our progress and join us in this important endeavor. Together, we can create a brighter future for The Gambia.