Nyp-Iri Project On Enhancing Progressive Governance Across The Gambia 2023 - NYP Gambia

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Portfolio Information

  • Department: Housing and Land
  • Category: Business
  • Date: 01/12/2020
  • Location: Dhaka Bangladesh
  • Skills : Web - Developer

Nyp-Iri Project On Enhancing Progressive Governance Across The Gambia 2023

The NYP-IRI Project on Enhancing Progressive Governance across The Gambia in 2023. This collaborative effort between the National Youth Parliament – The Gambia (NYP) and the International Republican Institute (IRI) represents a significant step towards advancing democracy and transparency within The Gambia’s parliamentary system. Our online platform is dedicated to promoting accountability, transparency, and public participation by enabling citizens to track National Assembly Members’ campaign promises, access essential parliamentary information, and engage with legislative activities.

Why the NYP-IRI Project? In response to the growing need for improved democracy and transparency, NYP and IRI have come together to create an innovative platform that revolutionizes the way parliamentary information is shared and accessed in The Gambia. Here’s why our project is essential:

  1. Enhancing Democracy: Democracy thrives when citizens are actively engaged in their government. By providing a user-friendly platform for tracking parliamentary activities, we empower the people of The Gambia to be more involved in the democratic process.
  2. Promoting Transparency: Transparency is the cornerstone of accountable governance. Our platform ensures that the workings of the National Assembly are open for all to see, making it easier for citizens to hold their representatives accountable.
  3. Access to Bills and Acts: Access to the legislation that shapes the nation is critical. The NYP-IRI Project offers the public an opportunity to view and understand the Bills and Acts discussed and passed in the National Assembly.

Objectives of the NYP-IRI Project: Our primary goal is to foster a more inclusive and informed society by increasing public participation, particularly among youth, women, and persons with disabilities, in parliamentary processes. Here are the key objectives of our initiative:

  1. Empowering the Youth: We aim to engage and inspire the youth of The Gambia by providing them with information on parliamentary activities. By doing so, we hope to ignite their interest in the democratic process and encourage active participation.
  2. Supporting Women’s Involvement: Promoting gender equality is a fundamental aspect of our project. We aspire to break down barriers and create opportunities for women to have a voice in The Gambia’s parliamentary matters.
  3. Inclusivity for Persons with Disabilities: We are committed to ensuring that all citizens, including persons with disabilities, have equal access to parliamentary information and can actively participate in governance.
  4. Creating Parliamentary Transparency: We firmly believe that transparency leads to better governance. By making parliamentary activities accessible to all, we contribute to the creation of a more open and accountable National Assembly.

The NYP-IRI Project on Enhancing Progressive Governance across The Gambia in 2023 is an ambitious endeavor with the potential to transform democracy and transparency in the country. Our online platform is the gateway to understanding and participating in parliamentary processes, making it easier than ever for all citizens to engage with their representatives and have a say in the future of The Gambia.